Depression Disorders and their treatments
4 min readWhat is Depression problem and causes?
Depression is a mood disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities and activities. Thinking, memory, eating, and sleeping may also be problematic. It’s normal to grieve and lament difficult life situations, such as losing a job or getting divorced. However, depression is different in that it lasts virtually every day for at least two weeks and is accompanied by symptoms other than sadness. There are many different types of depression problem and different causes. Clinical depression or major depressive disorder is often referred to simply as “depression.” It is the most serious type of depression.
Symptoms of depression
- Emotions, intellect, and the body can be affected by depression. If some of the following symptoms occur nearly every day for at least two weeks, you may be suffering from depression.
- feeling depressed, worried, or “empty”
- feeling useless, negative, and hopeless
- a lot of tears
- feeling worried, irritated, or furious losing interest in past activities and pastimes feeling less energetic or tired
- trouble with concentration, memory, or decision-making
- Slowing down your movement or speech
- A change in appetite or weight, early morning awakenings, or difficulty falling asleep
- persistent physical discomfort with no apparent cause that does not improve with treatment (headaches, aches or pains, digestive problems, cramps)
- Self-harm, suicide attempts, or death-related ideas.
Types of Depression
Major Depressive Disorder
Major depressive disorder commonly referred to as clinical depression is marked by persistent depressive episode for at least 2 weeks and never have had a manic, hypomanic, or mixed episode. Major Depressive Disorder have different patterns of symptoms or features, known as specifiers as mentioned in DSM-5. These specifiers are:
- With melancholic features
- With psychotic features
- With atypical features
- With catatonic features
- With seasonal pattern
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Persistent depressive disorder also known as Dysthymia or dysthymic disorder is marked by persistent depressive mood for at least 2 years. Person may experience certain periods of normal mood but they only last for only a few days or few weeks.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
The major depression that occurs most frequently in winter, when the days are shorter and there is less sunlight, is called seasonal affective disorder.
4) Bipolar Disorder
Person with bipolar disorder usually experience depressive phases with maniac or hypomanic stages. A person who experiences maniac episode may have elevated and euphoric mood marked by certain occasional outburst of intense sadness and outbursts. This type is certainly known as Bipolar I. Whereas hypomanic episodes involves milder forms of almost same symptoms. This type is known as Bipolar II.
Perinatal and Postpartum Depression
Perinatal means before birth of the baby. Mothers, at times experience depressive symptoms before the birth of the baby and these symptoms remain for at least up to a year.
Likewise, few mothers experience depression after the birth of their baby due to certain conditions such as environmental factors or any other.
This mainly happens when it’s the first time of pregnancy because the mothers are not much prepared.
Psychotic Depression
Depression that involves depressive symptoms along with certain psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations [seeing or hearing things that are not even there], delusions [false beliefs] and paranoia.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Women before the time of periods starts experiencing certain depressive symptoms. It causes severe anxiety, headache and bloating. It usually starts before 7-10 days of the day of your periods.
Causes of Depression can be caused by a variety of factors, including;
- Brain Abnormalities: Depression can be caused by abnormalities in brain chemistry.
- Genetics: You may be more likely to develop depression if a family member already struggles with it.
- Medications: Depression is a side effect of some medications. Both alcohol and recreational substances can cause and exacerbate depression
. • Personality: People who have management problems or are quickly overwhelmed are more likely to become depressed.
Treatment of depression
Cognitive behaviour therapy
Cognitive behavioural therapy for depressive disorders is one of the most effective psychotherapeutic technique because it helps to alter the basic thoughts and feelings behind the overthinking and the persistent thoughts of sadness and loss of interest. The main core of CBT is the interaction between thoughts, feelings/emotions and behaviour.
Psychodynamic Therapy
Psychodynamic therapy is a talk therapy. It is based on the idea that your present-day ideas are based on your past experiences. So, we look into those past experiences and alter the thoughts and beliefs created.
Light therapy
Light therapy is the best kind of therapy because it elevates our mood. It is mainly for seasonal affective disorders.
Medications prove to be the way to lessen the symptoms of depression. However, we cannot completely cure depression with the help of medications but we can cure the symptoms. Medicines such as benzodiazepines, SSRIs, antidepressant, antipsychotics, anti-anxiety, SNRIs are very effective.
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